Visit the Generale Ameglio’s clubroom with a member without restriction for 60 days. You can apply for membership at any time.

​​​​​Generale Ameglio Civic Association

​​Founded 1913

​​ ​13 Beaver Street
New Britain, CT 06051

​​Become a member
Men and women can join the Generale Ameglio and hold any position on the administration, including president. To join, you need a regular member to sponsor you. Annual dues are $125 (prorated after January). The administration reviews all membership applications for approval. 

The Generale Ameglio has two types of membership:

  • Regular members are of Italian origin or descent. They can participate in assembly meetings, vote on issues and serve on the administration.
  • Social members are of non-Italian origin or descent. They may participate in assembly meetings but cannot vote or serve on the administration. Social members may serve on committees and vote on committee decisions.

Membership applicants under age 18 are considered social members and are exempt from paying annual dues. Membership applicants who are full-time students are considered regular members and are exempt from paying annual dues.